Manufacturing AUTOMATION

LumiTrack tracking system aims to improve worker safety and factory efficiency

March 29, 2018
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Mar. 29, 2018 – EIT Digital has announced it is developing a tracking system to precisely track workers’ and machinery movements in industrial environments to help minimize safety and logistic challenges.

Called LumiTrack, the lighting infrastructure-based tracking solution will be part of EIT’s Digital Industry Action Line. How will it work? EIT explains that lighting-based anchor nodes with radio transceivers will be deployed on sites. Vehicles and personnel will be fit with radio tags that communicate their position to the nodes in real time, using “highly precise” distance measurements.

From the technical point of view, both Ultra-wideband (UWB) and IEEE 802.15.4 radio technology are strong candidates, says EIT, noting a combination of the two will “ensure maximum accuracy as well as scalability.”

A pilot installation of the LumiTrack system will be deployed in October 2018, with the first evaluations and conclusions to be drawn by the end of the year. The product is scheduled to launch in 2019.

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