Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show offers glimpse into Canadian aviation history with Avro Arrow display

September 11, 2013
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

It’s the only full-size replica in existence of the remarkable Avro Arrow, and from September 30 to October 3, 2013, visitors to the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show (CMTS) will get a chance to view this piece of Canadian aviation history.

CMTS will present the Avro Arrow RL-203 replica as a way to “showcase a remarkable Canadian manufacturing and technological innovation, which is representative of what the show’s all about,” said Nick Samain, group manager of SME Canada, organizer of CMTS. The replica will be on display for four days during the CMTS event at The International Centre.

The original Avro CF-105 Arrow, built in the late 1950s as a twin-engined supersonic interceptor aircraft, was designed to destroy enemy bombers that threatened North American cities, and was, at the time, the most advanced aircraft ever produced in Canada. To some, it stands up even today.

The story of the Avro Arrow is shrouded with mystery and intrigue. The aircraft, with a weight of 28 tons, was to be extremely powerful. The Canadian-designed engines and airframe were designed to stow all missiles internally for maximum drag reduction. Created to fly missions of a 650 nautical mile radius, the Arrow broke the speed of sound, eventually reaching speeds as high as Mach 1.98. In 1959, however, production of the Arrow was abruptly cancelled, bringing an end to a unique moment in Canadian aerospace and engineering history.


The Arrow was originally designed and built at a huge factory on Airport Road across from The International Centre.

“We’re excited to be bringing the Avro Arrow back home after more than 50 years,” said Samain, adding that October 4, 2013 marks the 56th anniversary of the Arrow roll out.

In making the announcement, Samain explained that CMTS welcomes corporate sponsorships of this one-of-a-kind display.

“The feedback we’ve received from the industry about our efforts to return the Arrow home to what is now Mississauga has been extremely positive, and we’re now offering limited sponsorship opportunities for companies interested in participating,” he said.


Featuring more than 600 suppliers and up-to-date industry solutions, CMTS is expected to attract 10,000 manufacturing professionals from across the country and around the world. Central to this year’s show will be industry education, provided both on and off the show floor through a combination of product showcases, live equipment demonstrations, top speakers, interactive panel discussions, cutting-edge conference sessions and multiple networking hubs.

“It’s important that we celebrate and learn from our history as we look to our country’s next generation of leaders in innovation,” said Samain.

CMTS attendees will have a unique opportunity to take a picture with the Avro Arrow throughout the duration of the show. For information about CMTS, to register or to sponsor the Avro Arrow display, visit

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