Manufacturing AUTOMATION

Manufacturing Coalition requests urgent action

November 12, 2008
By Alyssa Dalton

The Canadian Manufacturing Coalition recently sent a letter to Prime
Minister Stephen Harper requesting immediate and strategic action to
overcome current economic challenges.

The letter suggests action on
three objectives. The first suggestion is to address immediate
liquidity problems by ensuring that credit continues to be available to
consumers and businesses within Canada. The second objective, according
to the Coalition, should be "to counter recessionary pressures by
making investments that will strengthen Canada’s competitiveness and
help offset the imminent economic slowdown. Public investments should
be targeted to improve critical transportation, border, communications
and energy infrastructure. Government support for innovation should
focus on projects that Canadian businesses can commercialize," it adds.
And finally, the third goal, the Coalition writes, "should be to
implement policy measures that will improve the long-term strength and
competitiveness of the Canadian economy."
To read the letter in its entirety, visit

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