Manufacturing AUTOMATION

McMaster Innovation Park closer to completion

July 15, 2009
By Manufacturing AUTOMATION

With a number of tenants already in place and construction about to begin on a major materials laboratory, McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) is quickly taking shape.

When complete, the park will house laboratory, office, teaching, training and conference facilities in advanced manufacturing and materials, nanotechnology, bio-technology and other areas in which McMaster University has recognized research strengths.

Recently welcoming an initial 60 staff members from Trivaris Ltd., MIP president Zach Douglas says the Red Brick Building, the park’s first, is expected to reach substantial completion in the near future and full occupancy by the end of the year. (For more information on upcoming tenants, read “From research to real life.”)

“We are very pleased with the amount of interest so far,” Douglas said. “The building is leasing up very quickly.”


Trivaris joins organizations such as the McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO), which helps researchers ensure that their inventions and discoveries benefit society through commercialization, at the Longwood Avenue site.

Work is also set to begin on the new CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory, relocating to MIP from Ottawa. Approximately 75 per cent of the building will be lab space, supporting research activities in materials development and performance evaluation including pilot scale casting, rolling, forming and welding, corrosion, mechanical testing and micro-structure evaluations.

The park itself, set on the grounds of the former Camco appliance complex, is expected to become home to 14 buildings and a workplace for 3,000 people over the next 15 years. These facilities will accelerate the commercialization of research into new and marketable products and services, and create new companies that will provide high-paying, highly skilled jobs in Hamilton, according to MIP.

To view pictures of the McMaster Innovation Park, please click here.


The decision to create McMaster Innovation Park was taken by McMaster University in 2004 when the old Camco/Westinghouse site on Longwood Road South was listed for sale. The 37-acre site was acquired in March of 2005.

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